Friday, October 31, 2008


I miss having the time to really listen to music. I love music. I always have. But I haven't had the time or energy to really sit back and listen to any. I use to search the internet and look for new bands that I had never heard before. I don't even remember the last time I did that!

Right now I am listing to music a friend of mine made and it is so beautiful. I love it when you can clearly see how talented someone is. It makes you so happy for them. I wish I had that kind of talent. The kind that you can share with anyone, not just those physically around you.

I have come to the conclusion that Lance works WAY too much. I never get to see him when I want to see him. I should be use to this by now, but I am not.

It is sad. It is only 8:37 and for the past 20-30 minutes my eyes have been rolling... wanting to take me to sleep land... too bad my mind wants me to stay awake to see my husband.


sheree said...

I have alwasy wished I could play an instrument. In fact, it's one of my life goals. I would love to play the piano. :)

I am sorry you are missing your hubs. I hope you guys can find some time soon!